Showing posts with label mysterious mystical supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mysterious mystical supernatural. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

Will the People of God raise up a cause for the R.C. Church to recognize the holiness of Maureen Rodrigues Marolly, who died in the fragrance of holiness on May 31st, 2022?

My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian witnesses and writers in reflecting on life, encounters, and various situations, in a desire to enhance our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ at the service of the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


Maureen Rodrigues Marolly 1944-2022 

Hello. You may have come across this post by accident, or you may have been conducting an Internet search. I am a retired R.C. priest of Montreal QC Canada reflecting on the above question. It was no doubt Divine Providence that brought me to the home of Maureen and her husband Clayton. Parishioners at St. Thomas à Becket had been telling me about the phenomenon of statues exuding fragrant oily liquid in the presence of people praying in a private home in D.D.O. So, trying to be a good pastor, I went to see.

Maureen and her husband, when they witnessed my interest through repeated visits, asked me their advice about managing the flow of "pilgrims" and "supernatural sign seekers". I agreed to accompany them and encouraged them to feel free to "put order" in the manner in which they opened their home in hospitality to all who phoned, knocked, or intruded on their family life. In time, they asked me for spiritual accopaniment, which I was glad to offer them. There is nothing confidential revealed in this.

During the years between 1994, when "the phenomenon" began until 2022 when Maureen died, many gave witness to the holiness of Maureen's life, her dedication to serve all who came, and her devoted life of prayer, penance, and adoration. To all appearances, her husband accompanied her in this way of life, and they were both exemplary parents and grand parents. At the time of Maureen's death, there seemed a consensus that she was now with God; that she had lived a holy and virtuous life. Some asked me about the process by which the R.C. Church recognizes the holiness of someone's life. It's like this.

First, there needs to be some evidence that the person did indeed live a holy life. Second, there needs to be a "ground swell" of prayer and support for this process to get under way. Third, there needs to be a person dedicated to put in place all that needs to happen in order for the process to begin and continue. 

From the beginning, given that I was a priest who had accompanied this couple for 28 years or so; it made sense for me to offer to receive any testimonies people would want to send me. That summer, I only received a few such testimonies by email. I myself wrote a few reports over the years. I also have some pictures the couple shared with me; including the trips to India and other places where they were called upon or requested in advance to give their testimony of faith and a report on the phenomenon. 

I received a few more testimonies in jpf and in pdf, some scans of the notebook logs kept by this couple in their home. Visitors were invited to write in notebooks their experiences of grace received through the prayers of Maureen and through their prayerful use of the mysterious fragrant oily liquid. Close to the beginning of the phenomenon, Clayton devised a large metal pan upon which all the statues were placed from which exuded the oil. The pan had a spout from which he would drain some liquid into small bottles for people to take away; always with the instruction to pray and use the oil with faith.

For this cause to go forward, it needs a promoter of the cause: someone with time and energy and also devotion to apply to the tasks at hand. I regret that this task has been beyond my ability to undertake. 

I have uploaded the folder containing all these files to One Drive and it may be opened from this link: 

Funeral Mass – Maureen Rodrigues Marolly – 220603

St. Thomas à Becket Parish, Pierrefonds QC Canada

Presider and Homilist: Fr. Gilles

Welcome at the doors and sprinkling: Fr. Peter, Pastor

Adrian: Words of thanksgiving to God – called forward by Fr. Gilles

Brittany: Reading 1: A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles   p. 17 (10:34-43)

Lynn, Kathy, Adamo, & Cedric: Psalm 63

Fiona: Reading 2: A Reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans p. 21 (8:14-23)

Gospel: (to be selected by Fr. Gilles) Fr. Peter          Homily: Fr. Gilles

Brittany: Final words and announcement

A reading from the Acts of the Apostles             (10:34-43)                  

 Then Peter began to speak to them: "I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ - he is Lord of all. That message spread throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John announced: how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.  

We are witnesses to all that he did both in Judea and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree; but God raised him on the third day and allowed him to appear, not to all the people but to us who were chosen by God as witnesses, and who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one ordained by God as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."

(PAUSE A MOMENT)                        The Word of the Lord

Psalm 63

Reader:            For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord, my God.                      (Response.)

O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. (Response.)

 So, I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. (Response.)

So, I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name. My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips. (Response.)

You have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings, I sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. (Response.)


A reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans             (8:14-23)


All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, "Abba! Father!" it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ-- if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.

(PAUSE A MOMENT)                                    The Word of the Lord

Alleluia. Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia.


A reading from the holy gospel according to Matthew                             (11:25-30)

 At that time Jesus said, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." The Gospel of the Lord.


Anthony: We pray for our Nana who always showered us with love and attention. May her soul rest in eternal peace. We pray to the Lord.

Jessica: We pray for the deceased members of the Rodrigues family; her beloved parents Bento & Annie, her sister Jeanette, her brother-in-law Anthony and her brother Diego. We pray to the Lord

Noah: We pray for the deceased members of the Marolly family; her in-laws Desmond & Alice, her brother-in-law David & her sister-in-law Carol. We pray to the Lord.

Maya: We pray for the differently abled that they live, grow and thrive with the confidence that they are welcomed, protected and encouraged. We pray to the Lord.

Matthew: We pray for those who suffer that they may find the people capable of hearing them, caring for them and loving them. We pray to the Lord.

Angelina: We pray for families going through hard times with sickness, unemployment or death, may they keep the flame of hope burning in their hearts and may your love and the love that unites them give them the strength to push forward. We pray to the Lord.

Mika: We thank you Jesus for the gift of faith that he bestowed upon our Nana, which she shared with all of us. She also shared her faith with all those who requested prayers and those who came to pray as well. We pray to the Lord.

Live homily recording and text 

Homily Prepared Notes         (published here but not used at the funeral Mass)

 We are here today to celebrate Maureen’s passing from this life into eternity because Jesus of Nazareth, son of Mary and Son of God, died and rose again from the dead. Otherwise, we probably would have gathered in a Hindu temple or in some other sacred place of worship and prayer.

Maureen has brought us here and gathered us together in this place of prayer and worship to the living God, the Holy Trinity. So, we are here for Maureen, to pray for her soul, to support her in this awesome step through the thin veil separating our mortal human life from eternity, the realm of the Most Holy Trinity, and the House of the Father. Jesus declared that He has gone ahead of us to prepare a place for us there.

We are also here for ourselves and for each other. Where Maureen has gone, we will also one day go. It is essential that we realize how important it is for us to pay close attention to the way in which we are moving towards that final moment of our last breath on Earth.

We live in a society and culture that has abandoned God. People who live without God are floating in a bubble of illusion that they have unlimited power over all things. Those who believe in God understand that God alone has unlimited power over all things. When we reject God or ignore God, then inescapably we are sucked into the vacuum left by the absence of God, and even without realizing it, we step into God’s shoes and believe the illusion that we have unlimited power over all things.

That is why in our time governments have passed laws authorizing “medical aid in dying”, clinical terms for the act of euthanasia, the giving of death to oneself or to another. The illusion is that to do this thing can be an act of mercy, and people believe this because they misunderstand the nature and meaning of suffering. Our society and our culture have become allergic to any and all forms of suffering, which is unfortunate because suffering is an integral part of the human condition, and fully integrated with our capacity to live.

Women who give birth to their children understand the purpose of their labour pains and are glad to give them meaning and purpose in their desire to bring a human being into this world. Their child is bone of their bones and flesh of their flesh; as Adam declared when he first looked upon Eve, the woman given to him by God our Creator as his companion in life. Mothers retain a visceral bond to the children of their womb. Mothers are able to understand more intimately the love God our Creator has for all of his children.

Only a cruel god would allow human beings to endure suffering that has no value or purpose. Anything we suffer in this life is merely an opportunity for us to discover, unfold, and develop our hidden capacity for love, beauty, goodness, truth, and endurance. All manner of suffering is an opportunity for us to freely decide to invest this suffering with the meaning and purpose we choose to give to our life our whole life long.

On October 7th, 1994 Maureen chose to rescue a little statue of Our Lady of Lourdes from the garbage when a neighbour offered it to her, declaring they no longer believed in this nonsense; having become what is called a born-again Christian. All those who believe in Jesus Christ as the only Son of God and our only Saviour are born again. The Holy Spirit witnesses to the truth of Jesus and empowers us to become children of God and live as children of God in this world. They are truly children of God who actually follow Jesus in their life.

Maureen and her devoted husband Clayton were indeed born-again Christians in the Roman Catholic tradition and in the culture of Catholic Goa. Daily in deep faith in God they prayed the Holy Rosary with their family. On that day of their 22nd wedding anniversary, October 7th, 1994, in the presence of the little rescued statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, as they prayed their family Rosary, the statue began to ooze a fragrant oily liquid. Clayton put a bowl underneath it, and in a short time, people were drawn from all over to come witness this unusual phenomenon. In their faith in God, and docility to the mysterious actions of the Holy Spirit, Maureen and Clayton opened their home to all those who came knocking, people searching for meaning in their lives, looking for God, looking for relief from all manner of suffering.

The Christian faith to which Maureen and Clayton have given witness is the faith Jesus asks of all those who would follow Him: “Jesus told his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.’” Matthew 16:24-25 

Of course, as one might expect, there have been those who came looking for signs and wonders. Maureen and Clayton systematically called on these people too to put aside their curiosity and pay attention to the living God who loves every human being. They relentlessly called on people to get serious and pray.

Jesus warned his disciples, as He also warns us, that those who follow Him can expect to be treated no better than He himself was. In other words, we can expect to be rejected, ridiculed, and even persecuted. Both Maureen and Clayton have had the privilege of suffering in these ways for their love of God, for their love of family and people, and for the glory of God.

Now that the Lord has received Maureen’s soul into his divine presence, we don’t know what will become of the phenomenon now in its 28th year. It may continue or it may come to an end. Time will tell.

The real question before all of us today is this: “Where is my life going?” Maureen always knew and believed, from the time she was a little girl, that she was on a life-long journey to God, to the eternal life with God that began at her Baptism. She recognized the intimate relationship of love being offered to her by God the Father in Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and she was determined to say “Yes!” every day as Mary said to the Archangel Gabriel, and as Joseph also said in reply to the dreams God gave to guide him.

God our Father loves each and every one of us; we are all his children. At every moment of every day, in every situation, in every relationship, in our studies and in our work, in our quiet time and in our play, outside and in our homes, everywhere and at all times God the Most Holy Trinity is present to us. All that remains, at every moment, is for us to decide to welcome God into the secret places of our minds, hearts, and souls.

Praying is visiting with God. True prayer is simply a decision to visit with God, to open the doors of our mind, heart, and soul to God who is always present. Faith is simply accepting God for who He is and making room for Him in our lives.

Maureen did her best, as Clayton continues to do, to give vibrant witness to the unfathomable love of God for us, and to encourage us to waste no more time in life, but to throw wide open the doors of our lives to the living God, the Creator from whom we have come into existence, and the eternal Father to whom we are day by day returning. The Lord Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life”, and the Holy Spirit is the Consoler, the Advocate, the Defender, the Lord and Giver of life, who fills us with the vitality and love which is in God.

In spiritual communion with Maureen and with all the saints now in the presence of God in eternity, with the intercession and help of our Blessed Mother Mary and her Beloved Spouse Saint Joseph, I invite all those who would like to do so to pray in your hearts with me as I offer these words of prayer.

“Father in Heaven, You who pour into us moment by moment life and vitality, You whose very breath gives breath to our bodies as we breathe in and out, You who like to play “hide and seek” with us – remaining invisible and leaving us free to decide to seek You – we thank you today for the life of Maureen, our wife, our mother, our Nana, our sister, our neighbour and friend. We thank You for the countless ways in which You have blessed us through Maureen, through her humanity, and through her faith in You and in Jesus, your Son, our Lord. Her journey through life is now accomplished, as Jesus’ life was also accomplished as He hung upon the cross for us. Father, grant us to remain in spiritual communion with Maureen, now that she is in your House, and grant us the grace to do as she did: to welcome your presence and your love into our lives, to open ourselves to You every day and often during the day in prayer. Grant us the resolve to worship You with all our brothers and sisters in Jesus every Sunday, the Lord’s Day. Fill us anew with your Holy Spirit, that we may be aware of our sinful failures to love. We confess to You now, Father, the many times we have refused to be loved by You and have failed to love You in our family, in our neighbour, and in our enemies. We decide here and now to renew our faith in You, Father, and in Jesus your Son, our Lord. Fill us anew with your Holy Spirit, that we may no longer struggle through life alone, but may live in the joy of your peace and love, in Jesus your Son, our Lord. Amen.” 


My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian witnesses and writers in reflecting on life, encounters, and various situations, in a desire to enhance our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ at the service of the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


© 2004-2025 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2025 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Tips on how to "navigate" our interior life among all the "voices" competing with each other in our spirit

My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian witnesses and writers in reflecting on life, encounters, and various situations, in a desire to enhance our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ at the service of the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


This reflection is in response to my observations of parents with young children as well as adolescnets - in addition to the normal challenges of their daily routine - who are faced with our common challenges but also at times unexpected or disturbing troubles, including forms of evil.

Life is beautiful but complex, and we human beings are complex living beings with many dimensions: body, mind, heart / psyche, and soul / spirit, with physical senses - exterior and interior - varied intellectual and psychological faculties such as perception, conceptualization, cognition, memory, imagination, and so on. We also have "spiritual senses and faculties" such as conscience, the ability to say no, the ability to reason and distinguish between good and evil, and a capacity for relationship with our Creator God.

 Please feel free to come back in comments with any thoughts or questions you may have. Please also feel free to share this with close family and friends, such as with you spouse if you are married. Companions on the journey of life help us to understand ourselves as they take interest in listening to us give expression to our thoughts, feelings, experiences, questions, doubts, fears, anxieties, and deep desires.


Our God will always be mysterious... 3 divine Persons so close in communion that they are as one, one God, one divine being, which is an intimate communion of divine persons. This means that our relations with them, with God, will probably always also be mysterious.

That being said, there are many ways to pray, to "be with God", in the course of our busy lives, and each form of prayer offers us a different and complementary experience, a different way of "being with God, visiting with God" who is ALWAYS PRESENT. The sacraments are particularly powerful ways to "be with God" and to receive all that God wants to give us.


In our days and nights, as we pay attention to ourselves and agree to explore our "inner world" in our mind, heart, body, and soul, we discover three kinds of "voices".


The primary "voice" within us often goes unnoticed simply because it is the united Voice of God embedded within us, in the centre of our soul, rooted with us from the very first moment of our conception, in our immortal soul. In our deep center, in our soul, we are forever young, because our soul is immortal. Someday, in the resurrection, God will transform our bodies - wherever they are - and make them immortal like our soul, as Jesus was after his Resurrection, and as Mary is since her Assumption into Heaven. This voice of God within us is like the instinct that guides migratory birds to their destination. 

Our spirit is naturally oriented towards God our Creator to guide us to Him. However, our human condition now, since the original sin, is like a fog making it a little more difficult to notice, to recognize, to discern God's voice within us. Not to worry, the Most Holy Trinity watches over us like good parents watch over their children and pour into us life, vitality, their love, and spiritual helps we call graces to lift us up, enlighten us, form us, and guide us along the way; always respecting our free will.

The Presence of God within us is, since our Baptism, the natural environment of our interior life. Our basic inner voice emerges from God into our own self, our own person, in the living "being" that we are with its different "components": our mind, heart, body, and soul. This voice of our individual and unique "self" sometimes echoes the truth, but often enough, it may be mistaken. That is why we live "in the school of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph", the Holy Family. We are constantly being "formed" and "guided", and the choice is always ours to make. The Word of God in the Bible is our basic diet and spiritual nourishment... we need at least a little from the Word of God every day.


Our first "voice" is therefore our own. As we take in the Word of God, and "offer hospitality" to the Father, to Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit; they form and develop who we are, and they give us divine light, they correct misconceptions and misunderstandings, and they guide our inner voice to keep us on the right path.


There is a second "voice"... that of others around us and in the bigger world. We at times hear echoes within us of the voice of our parents, grandparents, and other significant people; who have contributed to our formation. Their voices become part of us and part of our own inner voice.


There is a third "voice"... that of the "enemy of mankind" which tries to turn us away from God and lead us astray. Originally, as in Genesis, the first book in the Bible, this enemy was the demon, the devil, the rebellious angel, who is jealous of us, wants to obstruct our relationship with our Creator, and ultimately to destroy us. God permits this enemy to tempt us so that we may learn to recognize the lies and reject them, and fight against the darkness and choose to walk in the light. Parents are reflections of God the perfect Parent as they love their children and let them go out to play and to school and face the dangers in the world, because life is worth living, and they form and guide their children to recognize and choose the good and to discern and reject the bad.


So, whenever you may be assailed by "dark thoughts": such as "I'm no good. I'm a failure. I'm terrified, I can't do this; so, why even bother trying." and so on, we need to recognize them for the lies that they are and to reject them. God offers us all the grace we need to do this, but it always remains up to us to use our brains, think things out, seek guidance and support, and in the end, choose the good and reject the bad.


We have freedom to choose the attitude with which we will face any situation. When we become aware of anxiety, fear, and any trouble, challenge, or temptation, the trick is not to panic. Rather, we take notice of what is happening, admit that to ourselves: "O yes, I recognize that; or, yep, that's me all right; or hey, wait a minute, that's not true." Then, we turn our attention away from it and turn our attention instead to God who loves us. "Daddy God, look at what the sneak is trying to do to me. I reject it. Be with me. Lift me up. Show me the way." and so on....

It's like driving at night. We must never focus our attention on the headlights coming from the other direction, because we tend to go where we look, and we don't want a head-on collision. So we notice the opposing traffic lights with our peripheral vision but keep our central vision and attention focused on the road ahead. Well, it is like that as we live our interior world. We notice the bad things, the distractions, the temptations, the dangers, but we deliberately turn our central focus and attention to the Most Holy Trinity dwelling within us. We make little conversations with God and live in anticipation of the light, the guidance, the warmth, the peace, the love that they want to give us.


The more we try to practice these things, the more familiar with God and his ways we become, and the more God reveals us to ourselves and we get to understand ourselves more and more. We become more and more grateful for the gift of our life, and we become more and more open and kind to others.... We will still have anxieties, but we bring them to God and He changes them into peaceful action. We still have fears, but God changes them into knowing that He loves us....

                                                   Pax + Caritas,       Fr. Gilles


My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian witnesses and writers in reflecting on life, encounters, and various situations, in a desire to enhance our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ at the service of the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


© 2004-2024 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2024 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

When we die... what happens to us then? Why do we pray for the dead?

My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian witnesses and writers in reflecting on life, encounters, and various situations, in a desire to enhance our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ at the service of the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


There is life after death... but what is it like?

Most Christians believe in eternal life... it's right there in the Creed we all accept

As Catholic and Orthodox Christians, as well as the various "Protestant, Evangelical, Baptist, or Pentecostal" denominations; we all believe that human life continues beyond death into eternity with God or away from God. Our eternal destiny depends a great deal on our own will, on whether or not we are willing to accept God's love, and to accept his love on his terms.

Catholic and Orthodox and some other Christians pray for the dead. Why do we do it?

It is an indication of this faith in the eternal life that God wants to give us that we pray for the dead. Why do we pray for the dead? It's just in case they might have a little bit of "unfinished business" to attend to... any hesitation to let themselves be embraced by God's brilliant and intense love... so our prayers and offerings of Holy Mass are an encouragement and spiritual help for them. If they don't need it, then of course they will simply pass it on to some other poor soul who needs it.

What happens to us when we die remains mysterious... some don't believe in anything

What prompts me to write is the awesome mystery of what happens to us when our spirit leaves behind our mortal body, much as we put aside our clothing when we prepare for sleep at night. Over the years I've been disturbed to discover that many people don't really believe that anything happens to us when we die or understand it, or if they do, they don't much know what to do about it. Equally serious is the fact that people not only consider ending their life prematurely, before their natural time to die, but in some cases actually take measures to end their life of have someone end it for them.

Our dubious distinction: Canada leads the way in expanding "MAiD"... i.e. medical suicide

Canada is now almost leading the world in extending "MAiD" - medical aid in dying - to almost anyone who wants it. It began with allowing it for people just about at the end of their life anyway but who are in great pain or suffering, physically, or psychologically, or both. Gradually, the barriers have been pushed further and further back, until it is conceivable that one day anyone will be able to ask to be killed just because they are tired of living. This is pretty scary....

Asking for MAiD is mostly an indication they feel that no one really cares for them

What is truly sad and tragic is that, in all likelihood, most of those who have asked for MAiD, or who are planning to do so, probably wouldn't do it if they knew that someone cared for them, and that their condition is not a burden others are unwilling to bear with them; in solidarity with them out of love. We all need to be reassured at times that we are loved; this is our human condition, to be uncertain. 

I suppose if I am miserable to everybody during my lifetime, there may not be anybody willing to show me that they care for me when I become terminally or seriously ill. Still, a truly loving person may still show that they care even for a miserable, grouchy, uncaring, hard-hearted person. Some people truly are that loving; their life is so full of love, that they have to pour it out on others. 

"Killing people off" may already be a covert economic strategy!

What is truly evil and may actually be criminal is the possibility that health care institutions may look upon killing people as economically advantageous... to get rid of people who are suffering and lingering in order to free up their bed and room in the hospital or other institution. 

A few thoughts that may help....

I don't know how you were raised - with faith or not - or what kind of life you have lived, or what sort of challenges you have faced, what pain and suffering you have endured, but still, it won't hurt for me to share a few thoughts with you, and who knows, you may find them helpful.

Our mortal human life is, paradoxically, surprisingly resilient; yet fragile 

Our mortal flesh, our human life in the body, is amazingly resilient... just think of all that we go through in life and survive; as your oved ones may have done their whole life long. Yet, when it comes right down to it, our life is also quite fragile. When enough pressure is put on our life, it simply stops.... All that we have become, on the inside, is what we call the soul or spirit. When we die... what happens to us then?

If science can't observe or measure it, does that mean it doesn't exist?

Many if not most scientists today, as brilliant as they are, deny the existence of our soul simply because they can't "observe" it, measure it, demonstrate or "prove" that it exists. They track all of our speaking, behaving, and acting to activity - the firing of neurons - in the brain. So for them, whatever doesn't track to the brain and show the firing of neurons isn't real and doesn't exist.

However, other scientists - especially neuroscientists - have begun to demonstrate that some of who we are and what we do is not at all related to activity in our brain... it remains quiet and "dark" with no synapses firing; yet a lot is going on inside us. They have observed that when we decide NOT to do something, the brain is quiet and dark. THAT decision doesn't come from our brain but from elsewhere outside our flesh. We who believe know where such decisions come from... they come from our will, our mind, our soul.

Beyond science, we have other ways of knowing the truth....

There are sources of knowledge and information beyond science, such as divine revelation as we have it in the Bible. Jesus Christ has provided plenty of evidence that his word is reliable. There are also the mystical experiences and intuitions of the saints. It is in our soul that God comes to dwell with us in Spirit. God our Father created our soul in the image and likeness of God... our soul is spirit as God is spirit, as the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are spirit. They are divine spirit and we are human spirit. Our soul has an "empty place" deep within us that God designed for Him to come and dwell within us. We are most fully alive, most fully human, most fully ourselves when we welcome God within us. That is why Holy Communion is such an awesome gift, a priceless gift.

Where is your departed loved one now?

So, where is your departed loved one now, their soul, their spirit, all that they came to BE by the time they drew their last breath on this Earth? The Bible tells us that God receives our soul when it must leave the body behind. Our soul is, in a way, naked or unclothed anymore with its flesh, and in his goodness God provides a "heavenly habitation" for the soul while it must wait for the FINAL RESURRECTION when God will raise up our mortal bodies to be like his own in glory. If you are interested you will find many quotes from the Bible about this HERE.

So we have God's word on this... nothing is lost when we die... because all that we have become is precious in God's eyes and He welcomes us into his radiant presence to share eternal life with God, the Most Holy Trinity. We have trouble understanding who and what God is because God is so different.... One single Divine Being who is so full of life that there are actually Three Divine Persons living in intimate community, family, unity and communion of love - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Incarnation of the Son of God as Jesus is the greatest event in the universe!

The Father sent the Son and the Son accepted to go, to come down among us when Mary replied to the Archangel Gabriel: "I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word." Luke's Gospel chapter one verse 38. That's when the Son took on flesh and became Jesus.

We celebrate that moment every year on March 25th, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. That's coming up again in this New Year 2024, just next March 25th. Happy Feast Day!

We believe in the "communion of saints"; so, why not put it into practice?

All the above being true, you can continue to be "in communion" with your departed loved one in the spirit, that is, deep within yourself. We're talking about deeper than feelings, deeper than thoughts, way down deep at the centre of who you are, where God comes to be with you... it's in that place that we taste the goodness of God, that we know we are loved, that we know we are united to those we love and can never be separated from them... regardless of how we may "feel". Allow me to close with a suggestion: let's "practice the communion of saints". 

This "communion of saints" is too deep, too mysterious to capture or put into words, really, and our mind cannot grasp it nor control it, but we can gently allow ourselves to enter into it. It is the Holy Spirit who carries us there and who instills divine peace into us, no matter what may be going on up on the surface of our awareness... loss, grief, fear, regrets, guilt, anxiety, concern, desperation... and all sorts of "negative" thoughts and emotions... or even the positive ones... peace, love, hope, faith, consolation, joy, enthusiasm.... All of these of which we "are aware" happen, we could say, "on the surface" of our lives. God "moves" within our soul "in the depths".

We are complex beings living on many levels and dimensions all at the same time, and it's okay. We don't have to understand it all and we certainly don't need to have it all "under control". Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved.

So, if you have recently lost a loved one who has died and left this mortal existence, my sincere sympathies on your loss, and please know that every day we pray for the departed souls and their intentions and all your intentions as well every time we approach the Altar for Holy Mass....

Peace to you all and your families, and may you have a peaceful entry into the Season of Lent in just four weeks. May the Word of God which we will hear during the next couple of weeks bring you much consolation and hope.


My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian witnesses and writers in reflecting on life, encounters, and various situations, in a desire to enhance our understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ at the service of the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


© 2004-2024 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2024 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What to make of supernatural happenings and private revelations?

My purpose in these posts is to bring a variety of Christian and other writers in a desire to share significant writings that in my estimation contribute to the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


I think the first time I began to notice strange possibly supernatural happenings going on around us was as a newly ordained priest in the Fall of 1983. Someone offered me a little wooden icon (a copy of course) of "Our Lady of Tenderness" from a photo of the original in a Verdun church, where the original icon was sweating a fragrant smelling oily liquid. It smelled of roses only better, more heavenly somehow, and all who smelled them were mysteriously touched in a deeply spiritual way with sheer love from God and a desire or return of love to God and Our Lady. 

Since then, I have noticed any number of such happenings, not to mention a plethora of so called personal revelations and inspired writings. You can see for yourself a few things our pastors have to say about these things in the Catechism of the Catholic Church among other sources. Why, I was myself quite taken up with some of these phenomena from 1992-3 at a time when I had been stirred up by an international priests' retreat in Rome (5,500 priests in September 1990) and was marvelling at all that was happening in the Church and the world and wondering what the Lord was expecting of me. The service developed in the early 1980's in New York by the Paulist Fathers for Evangelization 2000 put on 3 international priests' retreats in Rome in 1984, 1990, and 1999 or 2000. That service has been updated to the year 2033, the second millennial anniversary of our redemption

Why all these amazing and often questionable phenomena of private revelations, visions, and messages and why now? What are we to do about them - what is the Father's will for us in the face of these and everything else that is going on in the world and in our lives? My purpose in reflecting on this with you, dear reader, is that chances are you have asked or are asking yourself questions like these or know someone who is. 

Pope Benedict's presence, witness, and pastoral care for us directs us to Jesus, and especially, as the Father's eternal response to us in our need, Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist (choose your language version of Pope Benedict's Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church's Life and Mission (February 22, 2007). We have been designed and created by the Father for love, to receive and live in his love and that of his Son Jesus, in the communion of the Holy Spirit. All other things must be judged and ordered in light of this most important of all truths and realities. 

What to think about all the strange happenings? First of all, we must be careful not to jump to the conclusion that they are from God. Paul warned us that even the devil can appear to us as an angel of light in order to deceive us and lure us away from the will and love of our Father. It also happens that strange things can happen due to human deception or illness that can cause or exaggerate unexplainable human behaviour. 

That is why our Church authorities have always taken great care in judging these things. It took some 20 years of investigation before the Pope and bishops felt the Church say definitively that what happened at Lourdes or Fatima was worthy of human belief, that is, that people can reasonably believe that what happened in these places was of supernatural origin, that is, from God. 

 Why are so many of these phenomena happening in our times? Perhaps because the devil has been for many years recruiting agents, witting or not, in such areas as the arts, media, politics, and culture in general, to break down any remaining barriers of morality, decency, respect, and consideration of others in human society, the Blessed Trinity are endeavoring to strike a balance in what is getting the attention of people, especially the innocent, the poor, the fragile, the old, and the young. 

Since many have lost their way and may not even know about what really goes on in church on Sundays and so don't have any occasion to benefit from the pastoral ministry and care of the shepherds Jesus continues to send us, it seems as though the Good Shepherd is using once again some of the arts of Simon Peter the fisherman and casting all over the world a very wide net to catch all those that can be caught in order for the three divine Persons to get their undivided attention, if only for a few moments, hours, or days. 

Each of these supernatural happenings, books of private revelations, and signs in the sun and in the sky, and so on are so many strands in this new fishing net from Heaven combing the seas of human society to catch all the good and often suffering souls who, though lost, are somehow seeking or desiring the good intended for them by our Father and Creator of us all. 

Now, if the Father, Jesus his Son, and the Holy Spirit already have your attention, and you are walking in the company of our Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of all disciples and of the Church, and are allowing yourself to be drawn each Sunday to the Divine Liturgy at the faith Assembly where Jesus continues to nourish and form us to live and proclaim the Good News in the world all week with our lives; then you really don't need all these unusual things. 

If for a time they may help you better understand the Gospel and other Scriptures and the ways of the Lord and increase your enthusiasm for prayer, for reading Scripture, for living all day long in the presence and company of the Blessed Trinity, and for serving your neighbor - even to forgiving enemies and praying for the good of evildoers before the Lord - then perhaps the Lord intends for you to use them, for a while. 

However, beware of the trap of getting hooked on these "goodies" and letting yourself become closed in on your own personal and private experience of God but diverted from actually living your life, having your own relations with the three divine Persons in God, generously carrying out your duties, and going out into the world. If these things anaesthetize you to what is your real life and pull you into something of a fantasy and a distaste for the company of others or for real life, then you would only be regressing. 

You would be like the person who throws away a precious gift in order to play with the wrapper in which it came. It's fine for little children to enjoy playing with boxes, but it's no longer healthy for adolescents or adults to do that all the time. Once in a while, OK, but be careful. God gives us graces, kind of like spiritual "candy" that makes us feel loved and sense spiritual pleasure, but only sparingly, so that we will not become obsessed with getting more candy but rather fall in love with the Giver of the gifts, and want to become like Him and go out and do as He did and say as He said.....


My purpose in these posts is to help spread the contributions of a variety of Christian and other writers in a desire to share significant writings that in my estimation contribute to the common good and directly or indirectly give glory to God and extend the Lord's work of salvation to all of humanity. G.S.


© 2004-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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